Posted by
dev on Friday, June 3, 2011Tuesday, October 5, 2010Tuesday, November 11, 2008Sunday, October 26, 2008
Kontes SEO “Tablet Android Honeycomb Terbaik Murah.
Sepertinya tahun 2011 ini adalah tahunnya contest SEO. Setelah ramai dengan Kontes Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia, kemudian disusul Kontes Radio Streaming Murah, Kali ini saya mendapat email dari Panitia AcerSEOConia 2011 yang lagi mengadakan kontes SEO “ Tablet Android Honeycomb Terbaik Murah”
Untuk kontes SEO “ Tablet Android Honeycomb Terbaik Murah” sepertinya aturannya hampir sama dengan kontes Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia.
More about → SEO Kontes “Tablet Android Honeycomb Terbaik Murah”
Posted by
dev on Friday, June 3, 2011Tuesday, October 5, 2010Tuesday, November 11, 2008Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Mashable Awards, our annual contest highlighting the very best the web has to offer, is gaining momentum quickly. After just one week, we’ve received 30,000 nominations for more than 10,000 unique companies, apps and individuals.
More about → MashableAwards: 30,000+ Nominations in One Week
Posted by
dev on Friday, June 3, 2011Tuesday, October 5, 2010Tuesday, November 11, 2008Sunday, October 26, 2008
Retweet and Win 3 Pliablepress SEO Optimized Worpress Theme [Worth $210] Genius geeks is starting some amazing giveaways to our loyal readers. We shall be announcing some more contest where we will provide best SEO optimized wordpress theme, free domain name, free webhosting and much more. To start with first give away, we will provide 3 license key of Pliablepress theme worth $70 each ($210 total).
More about → Retweet and Win 3 Pliablepress SEO Optimized Worpress Theme [Worth $210]
Posted by
dev on Friday, June 3, 2011Tuesday, October 5, 2010Tuesday, November 11, 2008Sunday, October 26, 2008
Seo Contest 2010 contest is held to check the website rankings in view of search engine. SEO contest is organized at top-10-seo by the webmaster to check out the website ranking analysis.
Websites that are supposed to take part in SEO contest should register with the top-10-eo and submit a website for the SEO contest. Each month a SEO contest is organized where a number of websites register and only the top 10 sites are displayed in the final result. The website that scores high is the website at rank one.
More about → Seo Contest 2010
Posted by
dev on Friday, June 3, 2011Tuesday, October 5, 2010Tuesday, November 11, 2008Sunday, October 26, 2008
Posted by
dev on Friday, June 3, 2011Tuesday, October 5, 2010Tuesday, November 11, 2008Sunday, October 26, 2008
Still remember the definition of prime introduced since the start of the primary school level? Yes primes is the number that have only two factors divider, the number 1 and itself. As, 2, 3, 5, and so on.
Recently, a lover of mathematics at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), successfully revealed the largest prime number is calculated that successful so far. Of course, difficult to mention and show the number because it consists of 13 million digits or numbers.
To calculate because it is not easy to be searched Mersenne primes are first introduced matamatikawan French Marin Mersenne in the 17th century. Numbers are didefiniskan as a result of reduced 2pangkat P 1 with P, which also primes.
The number of found that the value of P 43,112,609. Numbers found a new Mersenne primes to-46. Team UCLA have found eight Mersenne primes with millions of digits.
To calculate the network of 75 computers use the Windows XP operating system. The number has been verified as primes with different algorithms.
"We are very pleased. Now we are looking for the next, although strange," said Edson Smith, head of the team from UCLA. Efforts to find a team is not the largest prime number fruitless because of their success diganjar 100,000 U.S. dollars by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which makes it as competition, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS).
Thousands of people in the world sleuruh has been participating in the arena. Competition is mengajakan the math lovers around the world using the power of computers to calculate the Mersenne primes are a minimum of 10 million digits
More about → Bilangan Prima
Posted by
dev on Friday, June 3, 2011Tuesday, October 5, 2010Tuesday, November 11, 2008Sunday, October 26, 2008
More about → Best Template